Anaerobic Digester
Ongoing Digester Operation & Maintenance
Keep Your Anaerobic Digester In Tip Top Operating Shape

Learn How To Keep Your Biogas Flowing
Make Your Financing Easier
Financial institutions need to know your business model is solid and that your digester will deliver the amount of biogas you claim in your spreadsheets before they underwrite your project. That’s why as a third-party developer, it’s essential to have an experienced operator.
Our partners have received multiple industry awards for the continuous operation of digesters Regenis built and operated.

Get The Most From Your Methane Capture
Getting the manure mix right is key to creating the maximum amount of biogas. Getting it wrong will shut your digester down for extended periods. We’ve been perfecting that mix on dairies since 2004, and our operations team closely monitors what goes in and what comes out daily.

Make More Money From Manure
The Regenis team are pioneers in the world of advanced manure treatment, led by our Research Director, Dr. Craig Frear. Let us show you how you can increase the value of your dairy digester by recovering the nutrients in the waste stream.
Selling Fossil-Free Fertilizers
Reducing Trucking Costs
Reducing Lagoon Storage
Creating Reusable Water For The Farm

How To Moo-ve
Your Dairy Digester Project Forward